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GAI-Tronics Call/Talk® 通讯系统提供了耐用的、操作简便的呼叫和对讲功能. Plant personnel use the paging capability to locate individuals throughout the facility, Further communication then occurs over the party line, allowing two or more people to converse without being heard over the speakers. GAI-Tronics offers two variations of Call/Talk®: Single-Party (one party line), or Multi-Party (five party lines for up to five simultaneous two-way conversations).

The GAI-Tronics Call/Talk® System is a distributed amplifier system. Each indoor, outdoor, or hazardous area wall station contains a speaker amplifier for driving speakers. GAI-Tronics Call/Talk® System is completely modular: every station consists of an enclosure, a cover plate, a power supply, and a speaker amplifier module. In addition, Desktop, Desk-Edge, and Flush-Mount stations include a separate subset equipped with a cable to plug into the remote enclosure.

All Call/Talk® station amplifiers are electrically paralleled; systems may be expanded by extending cable from the nearest amplifier or junction box. A single resistance load is required for each page and party line circuit to establish line impedance and minimize effects of stray induced hum or noise signals. For ease of load adjustment, a GTC line balance assembly should be placed near the electrical center of the system, and near an indoor handset station in a quiet area.

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GAI-Tronics 上海:+(86)21-5875 1287

版权所有:Gai-tronics Asia Division